Original Research Paper
Paradigm model of brand value creation in the insurance industry with an emphasis on life insurance: A grounded theory approach

M. Rezaee; F. Rahnama; H.R. Saeednia; Z. Alipour Darvish

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 246-263


  Objective: The country's insurance industry has become highly competitive and this requires the organizational structure and resources of insurance companies to move towards value creation so that they can use the opportunities in the best way to attract customers. Otherwise, over time, they will be ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The impact of insurance penetration on the entrepreneurial space in selected countries

A. Shah Abadi; F. Mehdipur; A. Moradi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 264-279


  Objective: The risk inherent in entrepreneurial activities and the problem of financing the field of entrepreneurship are two major challenges for the development of the entrepreneurial environment. However, the development of the insurance industry as a central institution for reducing financial risk ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Adverse selection risk in Iran's health insurance industry

E. Nobahar; M. Pourebadollahan Covich; R. Bahlouli

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 280-293


  Objective: The asymmetry of information between insurance companies and the insured and the resulting problems is one of the most important issues in the insurance industry, which can severely affect the profits of insurance companies and expose them to significant risks. Meanwhile, the risk of selection ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Market segmentation of the collision insurance policy of one of the largest insurance companies in Iran

N. Niakan Lahiji; M. Haghighi Nasab

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 294-309


  Objective: In the process of marketing management, market segmentation affects all decisions related to the market mix, including product design, pricing, distribution, and advertising, and its correct implementation makes marketers gain a better understanding of customers and better meet their needs ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Investigating the publication of Mortality Bonds in Iran and its pricing

M.A. Rastegar; Z. Manshori

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 310-325


  Objective: This research was conducted with the aim of examining mortality bonds, which are considered an attractive investment opportunity for the capital market, a risk management tool and a new source of financing for insurance companies, and a tool for diversifying the investment portfolio and increasing ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Developing and Presenting an employer brand model in insurance companies

M. Yadegari; T. Mojibi; N. Imankhan; S.A. Mehdizadeh Ashrafi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 326-341


  Purpose: The present research was conducted with the aim of investigating and presenting the employer branding model in Iranian private insurance companies.Methodology: In terms of the purpose of this research, it was applied with a developmental approach, which used interview and questionnaire tools ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Meta-legal critique of the commitment to pay aggravated blood money in accidents caused by terrestrial motor vehicles

M.A. Bozorgmehr; H. Saberi

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 342-352


  Purpose: In the present study, the theory of allocating ransom to intentional murders is introduced as one of the new jurisprudential and legal perspectives on the issue of concentration of ransom in all types of murders, including those caused by traffic accidents, and its effect on the amount of legal ...  Read More

Promotional-Science Article
Risks of the non-life insurance exchange market in the capital market and insurance industry of Iran and solutions to cover them

S.M.J. Mirtaher; Gh. Soleimani Amiri; S.A. Mousavian

Volume 9, Issue 3 , July 2020, Pages 353-369


  Objective: The existence of several problems in the distribution of risks in the insurance industry and the claims of large insurance companies that are not reimbursed for long periods of time and the amount of claims are added day by day, has necessitated the use of new financial tools to solve the ...  Read More