Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, United Arab Emirates Branch

2 Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Objective: The country's insurance industry has become highly competitive and this requires the organizational structure and resources of insurance companies to move towards value creation so that they can use the opportunities in the best way to attract customers. Otherwise, over time, they will be removed from the minds of customers and removed from the competition scene. On the other hand, according to Keller, brand value creation is one of the effective measures to gain competitive advantage and gain customers' trust. Therefore, the current research has presented the model of brand value creation in the insurance industry with an emphasis on life insurance.
Methodology: The statistical population of this research included life insurance managers of three insurance companies in Sinai, Pasargad, and Iran, who were selected by theoretical sampling and interviews were used to collect the required data and were analyzed using the qualitative method and foundational data approach.
Findings: Data analysis with open, axial and selective coding finally led to the presentation of the final model including six main dimensions and twenty-seven sub-dimensions.
Conclusion: The analysis showed that the annual increase of insurance premiums in proportion to the inflation rate is the most important solution to reduce the negative effects of inflation on life insurance contracts. In other words, "premium adjustment rate" and "policy capital" should be increased annually according to the inflation rate so that the insurance is value-creating for customers.


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