Document Type : Promotional-Science Article


1 Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Accounting, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Islamic Economics, Research Institute of Islamic Systems, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Tehran, Iran


Objective: The existence of several problems in the distribution of risks in the insurance industry and the claims of large insurance companies that are not reimbursed for long periods of time and the amount of claims are added day by day, has necessitated the use of new financial tools to solve the problems of the insurance industry. In the meantime, one of the new financial derivative tools that provide additional help to cover and transfer risk and as one of the insurance securities can help to balance the risk and release the capacity to hold all risks in insurance and reinsurance companies, is non-life insurance swaps. In addition, the different view of insurance companies on risks and the probability of their occurrence can lead to the formation of the insurance exchange market, especially the exchange of catastrophic events. Therefore, the current research is aimed at investigating the risks of the non-life insurance exchange market and the different types of risks associated with the two operational models of the non-life insurance exchange market and providing different methods of covering these risks.
Methodology: By conducting library studies and using the analytical-descriptive method and asking experts and the focus group method consisting of reinsurance experts, the risks of the non-life insurance exchange market and the risks of non-life insurance exchange instruments have been examined and the types of methods of covering these risks have been stated.
Findings: Non-life insurance exchange market risks include country risk, political risk, and moral risk, and non-life insurance exchange instrument risks include liquidity risk, exchange rate risk, marketability risk, credit risk, basis risk, and operational risk.
Conclusion: One of the dimensions of the implementation of the non-life insurance exchange market is the examination of their risks, which was discussed in this research and methods were also presented to cover these risks.


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