Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, International Marketing Management, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran


Objective: In the process of marketing management, market segmentation affects all decisions related to the market mix, including product design, pricing, distribution, and advertising, and its correct implementation makes marketers gain a better understanding of customers and better meet their needs with the appropriate design of the marketing mix. Therefore, the current research was carried out with the aim of identifying the car body insurance market segments that have high importance, position and sales volume in the insurance industry.
Methodology: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and quantitative in terms of method. Its statistical population consisted of car body insurance customers of one of Iran's largest insurance companies in 2017, including more than 20,000 insurance policies, of which 972 were randomly determined as the sample size, and their information was extracted from the database of the company's car body insurance policy issuing systems. Also, the variables of car life and value, number of cylinders, used, method of insurance premium payment, history of previous damage and policy term were used to segment the market.
Findings: The two-stage clustering analysis led to the identification of four segments in the car body insurance market, and it was suggested that cluster one should be considered as the target market, which is the largest segment identified. Also, considering that the use of a car for administrative and corporate affairs is one of the main features of this cluster, it was suggested to focus on B2B strategies, including selling body insurance policies along with other insurance policies to the company, considering special facilities and discounts for them, and direct sales.


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