Journal title Iranian Journal of Insurance Research (IJIR)
Journal language Persian Language with English Abstract
Date created 2011
 pISSN  2251-7723
eISSN 2251-7731
Telefax +9821- 2209 2265
Address Insurance Research Center (IRC), No. 43, Western Sarv Street, Kaj Square, Saadat Abad,  Tehran, 1998758513 Iran
Publication period Quarterly
Publication type Open access
Acceptance Rate 10% in 2022
Name of Journal’s sponsor Insurance Research Center (IRC)
Publisher Insurance Research Center (IRC)
Editor in Chief Professor M.A. Askari
Managing Editor Dr. Sh. Refoua
Publication status Active
Review method Double Blind Peer Review
Full text format of articles PDF; XML
 Publication license and copyright   Creative Commons license CC-BY
Plagiarism monitoring software

Persian language part screened by Samim-Noor

English language part screened by iThenticate
Ethical principles of publishing This Journal is committed to complying with the Committee on Ethics in         Publication (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in   accordance with ethical law. The title has now applied for the COPE Membership
Digital ID of Articles DOI
Core Value

At Iranian Journal of  Insurance Research invention, IJIR Journal has the core   values such as; 

  - Scientific

  - Integrity

  - Quality

  - Originality

  - Clarity

  - Innovation 

  - Knowledge dissemination
Publication Schedule

Iranian Journal of  Insurance Research (IJIR) is a quarterly publication releasing four seasonal issues each year (winter, spring, summer, autumn). Exact schedule of publication for each season is as the following:

  1. January
  2. April
  3. July
     4. October 
Journal Introduction  Iranian Journal of  Insurance Research (IJIR) is an open access, quarterly FREE     CHARGE Publication affiliated with Insurance Research Center (IRC). The title   publishes original research papers, reviews, case studies and short   communication covering all aspects of urban management. This Journal is   committed to follow the Ethics in Publishing Committee (COPE) and complies   with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical law. All   submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through a trustworthy   software named iThenticate to be assured about its originality and then   rigorously peer-   reviewed by the international reviewers. The IJIR Journal has   been indexed in   the well-known world databases mainly; Directory of Open   Access Journals   (DOAJ), Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and   Google Scholar. IJIR   has also gained a Scientific rank "A" from the Ministry of   Science, Research and Technology. The title is supported with Iranian   Association of Islamic   Finance (Journal partner).