Original Research Paper
Segmentation of customers in the insurance industry using scalable two-stage clustering algorithm (a case study of an insurance company)

A. Pooya; D. fazel torshizi

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 126-143


  Objective: Today, in the insurance industry, playing the role of the customer has changed from following the service providers to leading the service providers, therefore, considering the difference in profitability, type of purchase, loyalty, risk, behavioral and demographic dimensions of the customers, ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Risk Assessment and Compliance Checking of Business Rules in insurance by using of Process Mining Technique: Case study on Third-Party claim process

A. Khadivar; F. Frouzi; L. Niakan

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 144-158


  Objective: Today, organizations have turned to process-oriented approaches to improve their activities. Knowing and correcting processes in organizations is necessary to save time and reduce costs. Process management and enterprise risk management and checking compliance with rules are among the main ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Investigating the Influential factors on the tendency to buy life insurance surrender

A. Helm Zadeh; K. Hamidi; K. Heidarzadeh Hanzaei

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 159-173


  Objective: In recent years, a lot of efforts have been made in the insurance industry to increase the share of the country's life insurance portfolio. Currently, this share is insignificant compared to global statistics, and a percentage of this amount is redeemed every year. Considering that the researches ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Identifying and explaining observable behaviors of succession culture in the Iranian insurance industry

Sh. Tayar; S.M. Allameh; S.A. Siadat

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 174-195


  Aim: to explore and explain the observable behaviors of the culture supporting succession programs in the insurance industry of Iran.Methodology: The current research is based on a methodology combined with a descriptive-exploratory approach. The statistical population for the qualitative stage included ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Validation the rule of lapse of time on insurance of vehicles (with a jurisprudential analysis)

S. Jafarzadeh; J. Farazmehr

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 196-209


  Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to investigate the validity of the statute of limitations in vehicle insurances, and the statute of limitations is considered one of the most important and fundamental institutions of criminal law. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the legislature ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Insurer's liability against the reasoned driver who caused the accident in the new law of compulsory insurance

J. Shamsi; M. Soltani

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 210-220


  Purpose: This article aims to explain the responsibility of the insurer against the driver who caused the accident, which is foreseen in the compulsory insurance law of 2015. Therefore, the concept, basics and territory of the insurer's responsibility should be examined in this field.Analytical methodFindings: ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Obligation of pre-contractual disclosure of the policyholder in Iranian and English law

M. Hajipour; Y. Molaei

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 221-230


  Purpose: The basic purpose of the research is to study the obligation to disclose the policyholder, its basis and territory in the pre-contractual stage in the two legal systems of Iran and England.Methodology: The method used in the research is a descriptive and analytical method that was carried out ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Optimal allocation of short-term marketing resources based on customer lifetime value

F. Sandoghdaran; A. Albadvi; B. Teimourpour

Volume 9, Issue 2 , April 2020, Pages 231-245


  Objective: In recent decades, considering that the costs of attracting new customers are constantly increasing, it is very important and sensitive for the profitability of organizations to pay attention to maintaining customers and increasing their loyalty. Therefore, organizations implement various ...  Read More