فصلنامه علمی

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی


1 استادیار گروه علوم اجتماعی و رفتاری، پردیس بین‌المللی کیش، دانشگاه تهران، کیش، ایران. (نویسنده مسئول).

2 دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت بازرگانی، پردیس بین‌المللی کیش، دانشگاه تهران، کیش، ایران.

3 دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت استراتژیک، گروه بازرگانی، دانشکده مدیریت و اقتصاد، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.


هدف: ‌این پژوهش به‌دنبال بررسی ‌چیستی کرامت انسانی، عوامل موثر بر آن و پیامدهای رعایت کرامت انسانی در سازمان بر کارکنان انجام شده است.
روش: این مطالعه با ‌روش کیفی انجام شد و مشارکت­کنندگان پژوهش شامل کارکنان دفاتر نمایندگی­های بیمه در کیش بود. داده‌ها با ابزار ‌مصاحبه ‌گردآوری ‌و ‌با استفاده از نرم افزار  MAXQDAو ‌روش تحلیل مضامین تجزیه­وتحلیل شد. ابتدا آمار توصیفی و جمعیت شناختی ارائه گردید و سپس تحلیل کیفی در شش مرحله مورد بحث قرار گرفت. در گام اول، گزاره‌های معنادار ‌شناسایی شد. در گام دوم، مضامین پایه استخراج؛ در گام سوم، مضامین سازمان‌دهنده شناسایی؛ در گام چهارم، پژوهشگر به 8 مضمون فراگیر دست‌یافت؛ در گام پنجم، به روایت مضامین فراگیر پرداخته شد و در گام ششم شبکه مضامین ترسیم گردید و درنهایت روابط میان مضامین در شبکه مضامین ترسیم‌شده توصیف گردید.
یافته­ ها: ‌با تجزیه­وتحلیل 8 مضمون شامل روابط کوتاه‌مدت در برابر روابط بلند‌مدت، روابطه دوطرفه بین کارکنان و محیط، گوناگونی معیارهای موفقیت، ارتقای رفاه، سلامت و معیشت کارکنان، توانمند­سازی کارکنان، مدیریت روحی و معنوی کارکنان، مدیریت عملکرد و توسعه کارکنان و توسعه و فرهنگ سازمانی مبتنی بر مشتری‌مداری به‌دست آمد. ‌
نتیجه ­گیری: ‌مهم­ترین عوامل پدیدآورنده کرامت انسانی مدیریت روحی و معنوی کارکنان، توسعه و فرهنگ سازمانی مبتنی بر مشتری‌مداری، روابطه دو طرفه بین کارکنان و محیط، گوناگونی معیارهای موفقیت و روابط کوتاه مدت در برابر روابط بلند‌مدت بوده و مهم­ترین پیامدهای آن نیز مدیریت عملکرد و توسعه کارکنان، توانمند­سازی کارکنان و ارتقای رفاه، سلامت و معیشت کارکنان است.
طبقه‌بندی موضوعی: M31 ,‌G22 ,G52


عنوان مقاله [English]

Qualitative study of what human dignity is identifying the factors affecting it and its consequences on employees (Case study: employees of insurance agencies in Kish island)

نویسندگان [English]

  • H. Boudlaie 1
  • M.H. Kenarroodi 2
  • S. Sotoudehnejad 3

1 Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Tehran Kish International Campus, Kish, Iran.(Corresponding Author).

2 Ph.D Student in Business Management, University of Tehran Kish International Campus, Kish, Iran.

3 Ph.D Student in Strategic Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

چکیده [English]

Objective: A qualitative study of what is the human dignity of employees in organizations and identifying factors affecting human dignity and its consequences on employees in the workplace is one of the concerns that we face in the present era. Having committed human resources is a measure of competitive advantage for an organisation. It highlights the organization’s brand in the society and leads to its growth and development. Employees who are not committed to their organizations, they do not try to achieve their organizational goals. They are not effective in creating a useful culture. It may lead to an indifferent culture among employees towards the issues and problems of the organization. These negative consequences blocks an organization to achieve its goals.  In today’s world, managers might assume that using a new management software and hardware, they can increase their organization’s efficiency. However, experts believe that it is the human resources that ultimately determine the economic and social development of a country, not only the capital or other material resources. Extensive studies conducted in several countries have shown that the most important factor toward a company’s growth is its human resource development. This cannot be achieved except by accommodating the principles of human relations, out of which respect is one of the most vital elements.  The success of organizations depend on creating the strategic capability by ensuring the presence of skilled, committed and motivated employees in the organizations. Especially when those employees are scarce and unimitable and they are considered as creative people. With such descriptions, maintaining the best employees is more difficult than attracting them. Striving for maintaining human resources is not possible without knowing the important things that motivate them. Today's organizations pay a lot of attention to their employees. The experience has shown that the more the material (external) needs are satisfied, the more their psychological (internal) needs are satisfied. Failure to meet those needs significantly reduces employees’ performance and motivation and their willingness to work will be reduced. Commitment also leads to productivity as it promotes an individual's compatibility with the organization, increases individual creativity and efficient utilization of human resources. The most important factor in the development of organizations is the development of human resources by considering the principles of human relations, the most important of which is respect for human dignity and spiritual values. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to explore the human dignity and its antecedents and consequences for employees.
Method: A qualitative approach was chosen for this study. The sample group was selected from the employees of insurance companies. The research was conducted by interviewing the sample group in Kish Island. The Data was analysed using MAXQDA software and content analysis method. First, descriptive and demographic data were presented and then qualitative analysis was discussed in six stages. The meaningful propositions were identified, the basic themes were extracted, the organizing themes were identified. and 8 comprehensive themes were developed . Then, a network of themes was drawn and finally the relationships between the themes in the network of drawn themes were described.
Results: The eight identified key areas are as (1) short-term relationships versus long-term relationships; (2) mutual relationship between employees and the business environment of an organization; (3) multiplicity of success criteria; (4) promoting welfare, health and livelihood of employees; (5) employee empowerment; (6) spiritual management of employees; (7) management of performance and development of employees; and (8) development and an organizational culture based on ccustomer-orientation. The theme of employee empowerment in the organization shows that employees should be given responsibility and authority to be able to make decisions about their specific tasks. Factors that affect employees’ empowerment are identified in this theme. In order to maintain employees’ human dignity, they should have the necessary capabilities to perform their work activities to avoid job criticism. They should be protected and their human dignity should be preserved by receiving encouragement and promotion. Indicators of employee empowerment include employee participation in decision-making and timely payment of salaries. Employees also have a better sense of doing their job by creating a customer-oriented organizational culture with customer satisfaction of employees. It also, preserves employees’ human dignity outside of the organization. Customers reciprocally respect those employees that respect them, thus preserving employees' human dignity. Indicators identified in this research include not dealing with issues personally, corporate social responsibility, responsibility, ethical principles and serving to the people.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the most significant factors that initiate human dignity are spiritual management of employees, developing an organizational culture based on customer orientation, bilateral relationship between employees and the business environment, multiplicity of success criteria and short-term versus long-term relationships. The most important consequences are performance management, employee development, employee empowerment as well as improving their welfare, and health. Performance management is done to identify, measure and develop the performance of individuals and groups and coordinate performance with the strategic goals of the organization. Employee development includes activities that affect employees’ personal and career growth. Leading employees to do the right thing and train them to get things done can prepare them for the right job. Performance management and development indicators include work ambiguity, importance of employees for managers, giving importance to employees' work and holding training courses and specialization of work.
JEL Classification: M31, G22, G52

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Human Dignity
  • Performance Management
  • Employee Development
  • Qualitative Study
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