Original Research Paper
An MCDM framework (Enriched PROMETHEE) for performance measurement and ranking of insurance companies

S. Safari; S. Moradi Doliskani; H. Reisi Ghorban Abadi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 1-14


  In this research, to evaluate the performance of insurance companies by reviewing the literature and the background of the research, the effective performance evaluation criteria were identified and then through the opinions of experts, 16 important criteria were screened and based on the classification ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The relationship between financial solvency and financial variables of insurance companies

A. Motiee; A. Esmaeelzadeh; A. Jahanshad

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 15-26


  The main issue faced by the current research is to examine the relationship between 7 financial variables of companies active in Iran's insurance industry with their wealth margin. For this purpose, the variables "investment performance", "liquidity ratio", "operating margin", "combined ratio", "loss ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Analysis of adverse selection in Iranian life insurance market using logit models

T. Jahed; Gh. Emamverdi; A. Daghighiasli

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 27-40


  The aim of the current research is to investigate the existence of selection bias in Iran's life insurance market using demographic, economic-social information and factors affecting the risk of individuals using household income and expenditure statistics. The process of this research is that first, ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Liability insurance and losses in the cyberspace

M. Elsan; R. Kalantari; S.H. Sadjadi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 41-50


  The increasing use of cyber space for various activities has caused new risks that have no history and at the same time, they are important in terms of their impact on privacy and business space. This article, based on comparative studies and according to the needs of the information technology market ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Prediction of customer churn in insurance industry (Case study)

A. Baghaei; M. Hosseini

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 51-64


  With the saturation of markets, organizations have realized that keeping customers, especially valuable customers, should be at the center of their management strategies because the cost of attracting new customers is higher than the cost of keeping existing customers. The insurance industry is no exception ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
An examination of the impact of authentic leadership on achieving competitive advantage by clarifying mediating role of employees' psychological empowerment

M. Dehghani Soltani; A. Shiri; H. Farsizadeh; D. Taybi; F. Falahi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 65-77


  The purpose of this research is to study and investigate the effect of authentic leadership on gaining competitive advantage with the mediating role of psychological empowerment of employees in insurance companies in Ilam province. The method of the present research is applied in terms of its purpose, ...  Read More