Original Research Paper
Identifying and ranking the motivations of alliance banks and insurance companies to formation the “Banc assurance”

M. Haghighi Kafash; H. Dehghanan; M. Jalali

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 149-159


  One of the most important major changes that have recently occurred in the field of financial services is the emergence and development of "Bank-Insurance". The purpose of the article is to review the concepts of the emergence and development of "Bank-Insurance" in the world and Iran, to identify and ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Economic-social factors affecting the development of life insurance, a comparative study between Iran and developed countries during the period of 1985-2014: the approach of generalized moments

S. Asadi Gharagoz; A. Arshadi; Gh. Haji

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 160-171


  Life insurance is one of the most important fields of insurance that has an effective role in financial development and as a result economic growth. Examining the historical course of this insurance industry shows that life insurance was one of the first insurances that was used in Iran, but its progress ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Stochastic loss reserving for general insurance with emphasis on micro-level

A. Omrani; M.R. Faghihi Habibabadi

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 172-186


  In their financial statements, insurance companies often use the chain ladder method to forecast claims reserves. The chain ladder method is based on accumulated data and years of claims development in the triangle of future obligations. This triangle is a summary of the datasets for individual claims. ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of organisational intelligence on organisational learning regarding the moderating role of employees' self-development in Parsian insurance company

H. Taheri Goudarzi

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 187-198


  This research was carried out with the aim of explaining the effect of organizational intelligence on organizational learning with regard to the modifying role of employees' self-development in Parsian Insurance Company. The research method was selected based on descriptive-survey data collection. The ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Determining capital requirement for market risk in the solvency assessment model of insurance companies

S. Asadi; A. Albadvi; A. Husseinzadeh Kashan

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 199-210


  The challenge that the insurance companies' financial system is facing today is to understand the concept of risk and then measure and quantify the risk. One of the important risks of an insurance company is the market risk caused by investment. The main purpose of this article is to eliminate the shortcomings ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The most important innovations of the law "Compulsory insurance of damages caused to third parties due to accidents caused by vehicles in 2015"

Kh. Ahmadi

Volume 6, Issue 3 , July 2017, Pages 211-220


  Law "Compulsory insurance of damages caused to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles in 2015" by removing the phrase "civil liability of the holder" from the title of the law and also the obligation of insurance companies and funds to pay damages to the injured persons even in the ...  Read More