Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran


The main issue faced by the current research is to examine the relationship between 7 financial variables of companies active in Iran's insurance industry with their wealth margin. For this purpose, the variables "investment performance", "liquidity ratio", "operating margin", "combined ratio", "loss ratio", "insurance profit", and "insurance company size" as the financial explanatory variables of the considered insurance companies and the relationship They have been examined with the margin of financial prosperity. The time period of the research is 4 years (from 1390 to 1393), and its statistical population is all the companies active in the insurance industry. The statistical sample of the research, which was obtained based on the screening method, includes 17 companies and the number of observations is equal to 68 company-years. The results of the research hypotheses test using the panel data method indicate that, except for the "combined ratio", other financial variables have a significant relationship with the margin of financial prosperity of insurance companies. So that the above ratios explain 83.24% of the changes in the margin of financial prosperity of insurance companies. Therefore, according to the results obtained from this research, it can be said that there is a significant relationship between the financial prosperity of insurance companies and the 6 investigated financial variables.


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