Original Research Paper
The relationship between organizational innovation and competitive advantage among insurance companies

S. Sehat; N. Mazloomi; H. Fakhimi Mohammadpour

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 181-202


  Due to the recent changes in the insurance industry and the market tendency toward competition, innovation among insurance companies to gain competitive advantage has been of utmost importance. Because innovation has been considered as the most important issue to gain the competitive advantage in the ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of in-service training on competencies and occupational performance of employees in an insurance company

A. Dehghani; A.R. Daghighi Asli; F. Pourvali

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 203-217


  Due to the increasing importance of in-service training and their notable role in improving the employees' performance, the training courses are evaluated with the purpose of increasing the desirable quality.Therefore, the focus the current study is to assess the effectiveness of in-service professional ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Rating Iranian insurance companies based on financial variables and ratios utilizing multiple attribute decision making (MADM) techniques

M. Parchami Sarghein; R. Raei

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 233-247


  Determining the financial status of the insurance companies and reporting it to the supervisor authorities and other stakeholders is an important issue to consider. Due to the structure of the insurance industry in Iran, utilizing the models which determine the financial failure is not possible. Therefore, ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Investigation of electronic maturity level of insurance industry (A comparative study of stock and non-stock insurance agents in Iran)

N. Haji Heidari; P. Bahadori; S. Behestani

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 248-260


  Due to the importance of IT development in improving the insurance companies’ functions, the degree of progress by those insurance companies which utilize the electronic tools has been studied in the current study. The statistical population of this study consists of 22 insurance companies among ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Survey of justice and inequities in payments of households for health insurance

Y. Mohammadzadeh

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 261-281


  Due to the direct relationship of equity with the capabilities of people, executing it in the health sectors comparing with the other economy sectors, is of utmost importance, hence its consideration is necessary. Due to the unpredictability and high expenses of Health costs, it is of great importance ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Dower insurance

A.A. Hatami; H. Yasinyniya

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 282-294


  In Islamic Law, dower as one of the financial rights of the marriage is the husband’s duty. In Holy Quran, dower is called: “saddaghat-o-honna nehlatan” and is given to the woman by the man as a gift and is known as the symbol of the husband’s truthfulness. Dower insurance is ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Analysis of article 36 of insurance act 1316

S.M.H. Malaekepour Shushtari; N. Banirashid

Volume 4, Issue 2 , April 2015, Pages 295-311


  According to the article 36 of insurance Act 1316, the actions arising out of insurance, after passing of 2 years from date of “Accident of action’s Provenance” occur, are undercover of laps of time. The limitation that mentioned in this article, as one of the exceptional limitations ...  Read More