Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


In Islamic Law, dower as one of the financial rights of the marriage is the husband’s duty. In Holy Quran, dower is called: “saddaghat-o-honna nehlatan” and is given to the woman by the man as a gift and is known as the symbol of the husband’s truthfulness. Dower insurance is a means through which the hope of getting the dower by the women can be increased and the number of those who are prisoned because of their delay in paying dower can be decreased. Dower insurance is considered as a reliable guarantee for paying all or part of the dower by the man and both of the couples can take advantage of it. However, it's better for the man to make a contract with the woman in order to acknowledge the woman's deeds in the household and to help her save enough money.


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