Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Due to the importance of IT development in improving the insurance companies’ functions, the degree of progress by those insurance companies which utilize the electronic tools has been studied in the current study. The statistical population of this study consists of 22 insurance companies among which 18 companies participated in. The results analysis was based on their participation. The employed method in this research was Gartner’s Electronic Maturity Model while the data analysis was carried out via multi-branched, decision-making method of Topsiss. The results indicated that the current maturity level of the electronic insurance in Iran is estimated to be 70% in the first level and that those insurance companies which were newly founded and placed in the first stage of Gartner’s electronic maturity model, become prior in terms of concurrency with virtual space. Comparing the status of stock and non-stock companies, the same results were achieved. The outcomes can be illuminating for the managers of those insurance companies who can reach higher stages of maturity by following the advices in this area.


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