Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University of Tehran(South Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University of Tehran(Central Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad university of Tehran(North Tehran Branch), Tehran, Iran


Due to the increasing importance of in-service training and their notable role in improving the employees' performance, the training courses are evaluated with the purpose of increasing the desirable quality.
Therefore, the focus the current study is to assess the effectiveness of in-service professional training courses on the competencies and performances of an insurance company employees. In this research, the CIPP model is utilized to evaluate the quality of in-service training. The CIPP model provides four types of evaluation, including Context, Input, Process and Product or Output.
The research is a Survey-Descriptive one. The statistical population includes all of 217 employees of an insurance company, and the sampling methods applied are Random and Stratified Sampling. The data were analyzed applying SPSS and Smart PLS software systems.
According to the results, the in-service training has direct and positive impact on the employees' competencies that each of the quality dimension, quality input, quality process, quality output, and quality context have the most to the least impact on the employees' competencies, respectively. Also, based on the research results, the in-service training has direct and positive impact on the employees' performances that each of the dimension quality context, quality process, quality input, and quality output have the most to the least impact on the employees' performances, respectively. Finally, it can be concluded that the employees' competencies has direct and positive impact on the employees' performances.

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