Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Due to the recent changes in the insurance industry and the market tendency toward competition, innovation among insurance companies to gain competitive advantage has been of utmost importance. Because innovation has been considered as the most important issue to gain the competitive advantage in the organizations, the purposed behind the current study is to investigate the relationship between innovation and competitive advantage among insurance companies. Meanwhile, the current status of organizational innovation among insurance companies as the secondary goal of the current study has been attended. The research method is applied and according to the Data Analysis method is considered as Descriptive-Survey. Organizational innovation consists of Product, Process, and Administrative Innovation. The statistical population consists of the senior managers of private insurance companies in Tehran and 130 ones have been selected as a sample. To gather data, a standard questionnaire has been applied. To test hypotheses according to the data gathered based on the questionnaire, Pearson Correlation, Structural Equation Model and One Sample T-test have been utilized.

The results indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between the organizational innovation as a whole and different kinds of competitive advantage among insurance companies and among different kinds of innovation, product innovation has the highest relationship with the competitive advantage among insurance companies. Also, the One Sample T-test analysis indicated that only the Process Invocation of the insurance companies is in a desired condition. 


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