Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Law, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran


Law "Compulsory insurance of damages caused to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles in 2015" by removing the phrase "civil liability of the holder" from the title of the law and also the obligation of insurance companies and funds to pay damages to the injured persons even in the face of traffic accidents caused by Cairo authority has separated the conditions of responsibility of responsible persons from the insurance law. The aforementioned law has established many innovations in the field of strengthening insurance deterrence, such as recovery of damage, protection of the insured, including the removal of add-ons, and protection of insurers, including the absence of obligation to provide insurance services. Although the legislator has enacted various regulations to strengthen the aspect of deterrence, just as traffic accidents require special regulations, the conditions and rules related to the civil liability of persons involved in traffic accidents also require special regulations. General liability conditions may make insurance regulations ineffective.


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