Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch, Iran

2 Department of Economics, member of the Academic Board of the Monetary and Banking Research Institute of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran

3 Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch, Arak, Iran


Life insurance is one of the most important fields of insurance that has an effective role in financial development and as a result economic growth. Examining the historical course of this insurance industry shows that life insurance was one of the first insurances that was used in Iran, but its progress has been so slow despite the increasing development of insurance types that it has almost remained far from the country's insurance industry. . Therefore, according to the importance of the subject, the purpose of the current research is to investigate the factors affecting the development of the life insurance industry in developed countries and Iran between the periods of 1985-2014 in a comparative manner. The results of the estimation of the coefficients show that among the variables examined for developed countries, respectively, the education level, urbanization rate, interest rate, and inflation rate, and for the country of Iran, life expectancy, real gross domestic product, education level, urbanization rate, rate Interest and inflation rate have had the greatest impact on the dependent variable (insurance penetration coefficient).


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