Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Aim: to explore and explain the observable behaviors of the culture supporting succession programs in the insurance industry of Iran.
Methodology: The current research is based on a methodology combined with a descriptive-exploratory approach. The statistical population for the qualitative stage included academic and insurance industry experts, and for the quantitative stage, all the employees of central branches of insurance companies. The statistical sample in the qualitative section reached the saturation point with a targeted approach of 13 people, and in the quantitative section, 284 people were selected by stratified random method. The data collection tool in the first stage included a semi-structured interview with experts, and in the second stage, a 33-question questionnaire was created by the researcher, whose validity was confirmed by the form and content method, and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by the Cronbach's alpha method (0.893). Qualitative data analysis was done using thematic analysis method and quantitative data was done using confirmatory factor analysis method in Amos 21 software.
Findings: The behavioral patterns of surrogate culture include observable content and structural behaviors. Also, among the observable behaviors of culture, the implementation of succession programs (with a factor load of 0.649), the management of succession change and transformation (with a factor load of 0.595) and the management of competencies (with a factor load of 0.585) have the most support from the measurement model. .
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research, one of the main observable behaviors of the culture to support succession programs in the insurance industry is content behaviors that include; Successive motivational behaviors, integrated and committed organizational communication, transformational leadership based on participation, change management and transformation become successors. Also, other findings of this research showed that structuralist behavior is another observable behavior of culture to support succession planning in the insurance industry, which includes facilitating rules and regulations, agile organizational structure, competency management, strategic human capital management, succession planning implementation, empowerment. It is based on education and knowledge management, and performance management is based on succession.


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