Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Urmia University, West Azarbaijan, Iran

2 Lawyer


Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to investigate the validity of the statute of limitations in vehicle insurances, and the statute of limitations is considered one of the most important and fundamental institutions of criminal law. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the legislature completely repealed and removed it, and then accepted the passage of time in criminal matters with limited and binding conditions in 1378, and finally, with the approval of the Islamic Penal Code in 1392, it approved the institution of the passage of time in the substantive rules.
Methodology: In this research, this problem has been addressed with an analytical and descriptive method.
Findings: This research aims to prove the elimination of the passage of time in the new law due to the deliberate silence and evidence and evidence in the previous laws, and in this regard, it seems that there is a belief in the explicit repeal of this rule and the legitimacy of the passage of time. There is a difference of opinion among the jurists.
Conclusion: The results of the research show that the general provision of the passage of time in the insurance law remains in force, and to clarify the validity of this rule regarding vehicle liability insurance, the new law should be referred to. In this assumption, if the new special law has repealed the general provision of the insurance law (either explicitly or implicitly), it should be considered that this rule should be deleted due to the precedence of the later special law over the previous general law. On the other hand, in case of ambiguity, brevity or absolute silence of the legislator in the new law, citing the insurance law as a general law will be a way forward.


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