Original Research Paper
Calculation of the relative premium of a rate system based on the Poisson model at two points

A.T. Payandeh NajafAbadi; F. Atatalab; R. Rezazadeh

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 74-89


  Purpose: One of the most important issues faced by insurance companies is determining fair premiums. Due to the fact that the record of no loss leads to a discount in the insurance premium, we assume that the insurers present a special behavior in two points i and j. In such a way that the frequency ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Pathology of the life insurance loss management process using the FMEA technique: a case study of an insurance company in the Islamic Republic of Iran

A. Ahmadzadeh; S. Soluki

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 90-103


  Objective: Identifying and prioritizing the damages of the life insurance loss management process, their causes and effects, as well as the solutions to fix them.Methodology: using the methodology (methodology) of analysis of error states and effects (FMEA)Findings: Twenty injuries have been identified ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Identifying and evaluating the importance of factors affecting the use of electronic insurance policies in the insurance industry (a study of several insurance companies)

J. Kabourati

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 104-117


  Purpose: The present research was conducted with the aim of identifying and ranking the factors affecting the use of electronic insurance policies in the insurance industry by reviewing the research literature and experts' opinions.Methodology: According to the nature of the research, the research method ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of the quality of insurance services on the intention to purchase life and investment insurances with the mediating role of previous purchase experiences in an insurance company

A. Asadi; M. Hedayati Biland

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 118-129


  Objectives: Investigating the effect of the quality of insurance services on the intention to purchase life and investment insurances, as well as investigating the mediating effect of shopping experiences in the relationship between the quality of insurance services and the intention to purchase life ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
"Fair presentation" instead of "obligation to disclose" in commercial insurance

A. Khoroushi; H. Rahimi; A. Ghasemi Hamed; J. Maleki

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 130-141


  Purpose: This article seeks to review the policyholder's commitment to "disclosure", which is his most fundamental commitment, and this commitment is stipulated in Iran's insurance law and the commercial insurance bill, and finally make suggestions for improvement. The insurance law and attention to ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
A critical review of the subrogation lawsuit in the compulsory insurance of accidents caused by vehicles

A. Ghesmati Tabrizi; S. Tajour

Volume 8, Issue 2 , April 2019, Pages 142-153


  Purpose: The present article seeks to explain the state of Iran's insurance law and its developments in the field of proxy in traffic accidents, and taking into account the problems of insurance companies and the Bodily Damage Fund in recovery of damages, it shows that proxy in traffic accidents is not ...  Read More