Original Research Paper
Determining the optimal capital in insurance companies based on internal modeling of the ratio of financial prosperity and the cost-benefit method

N. Mazlomi; J. Babajani; R. Jafari

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 1-14


  The main purpose of this article is to determine the level of capital that can meet the conflicting expectations of shareholders and the supervisory body. In this regard, using statistical data, the loss coefficients for the period 1370-1396 of four insurance companies "A", "B", "C" and "D" and based ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Does policymaking reduce selection bias in small business health insurance?

M.R. Chaghomi; Gh.R. Keshavarz Haddad; M. Vesal; E. Kradgar

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 15-26


  Pursuant to Article 8 of Regulation No. 74 of Supplemental Medical Insurance, which insurance companies were required to implement from the beginning of 2010, insurance companies are given the opportunity to conduct medical tests and examinations on groups with less than 50 members, and considering According ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Customer credit scoring using data envelopment analysis and discriminant analysis in a fuzzy environment (case study: a leasing company affiliated with a private bank)

A. Alinezhad; S. Kashanifar

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 27-40


  In this research, in order to manage and control the credit risk of customers, from the combination of two models of discriminant analysis and data coverage analysis to detect the presence or absence of an overlap between two groups by means of a separating hyperscreen and assuming the existence of each ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Prioritizing the performance indicators of an insurance company using gray multi-criteria decision making method

H. Rezghi Shirsavar; M. Vali

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 41-53


  Utilizing the methods of improvement, evaluation, prioritization and performance control help the organization in knowing the extent of achieving the goals. In this research, to evaluate the performance of insurance companies by reviewing the literature and the background of the research, the effective ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Legal review of the nature, structure and formation of protection and compensation insurance clubs in the domestic and international arena

E. Sarkhosh

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 54-63


  The shipping industry is considered one of the most important and efficient fields in the world. Due to the fact that various accidents always threaten this industry, the fear of losses caused by these accidents has led to the adoption of methods to compensate these losses, especially through the insurance ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The study of Takaful based on the Wadi’ah contract

A. Pouresmaeili; A. Borzoei

Volume 8, Issue 1 , January 2019, Pages 64-73


  The prohibition of riba in Islamic economy has caused Muslim economists to design and introduce special financial institutions to avoid usury to replace common financial institutions. Among these efforts in the past four decades, it has been in the field of insurance, and efforts have been made to design ...  Read More