Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Neishabur Branch, Razavi Khorasan, Iran


Objectives: Investigating the effect of the quality of insurance services on the intention to purchase life and investment insurances, as well as investigating the mediating effect of shopping experiences in the relationship between the quality of insurance services and the intention to purchase life and investment insurances.
Methodology: The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose, and in terms of the method of implementation and data collection, it is considered a descriptive-correlational survey research. The studied data was collected from 217 customers of an insurance company in Khorasan-Razavi province with a simple random sampling method and with a questionnaire tool taken from the study of Caster et al. (2016), whose validity and reliability have been confirmed. In order to investigate the objectives of the research, five hypotheses have been formulated that test the relationship between the variables, and these hypotheses have been analyzed using PLS software, which is of the structural equation type.
Findings: The findings of the research indicate that the quality of insurance services (before purchase and during purchase) as well as the experiences of previous purchases of customers have a significant effect on the intention to purchase insurance services. Also, customers' previous shopping experiences play a significant mediating role in the relationship between the quality of insurance services and customers' purchase intentions.

Conclusion: The results of the research show that the quality of the provided insurance services can create a positive experience in the minds of customers and these experiences influence the purchase intention of customers. Therefore, based on the findings, managers and decision makers of the insurance industry should provide more suitable insurance services and insurance policies with more diverse features that increase the motivation of customers to buy.


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