Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The present research was conducted with the aim of identifying and ranking the factors affecting the use of electronic insurance policies in the insurance industry by reviewing the research literature and experts' opinions.
Methodology: According to the nature of the research, the research method is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of this research was 10 university experts, managers and experts of three insurance companies in Bushehr city.
Findings: The results showed that contextual and infrastructural factors, cultural factors, and customers' personality and attitude are more important than other dimensions. Among the following indicators: Advertisements, familiarization and informing the society about the use and benefits of electronic insurance services, legal and legal infrastructures, risk taking and existence of security were more important than other sub-indices.

Conclusion: the successful use of electronic insurances, regardless of the infrastructure mentioned in the studied factors such as; Protecting people's privacy, prosecuting computer crimes, creating and strengthening authorities for credit assessment and certification, legalizing digital signatures, supporting and having experts in insurance companies, designing user-friendly profiles and insurance websites, using social networks for support and informing about the possibility not acceptable In this context, the first step is to provide a simple electronic insurance policy (such as individual and personal accident insurances, which is less complicated) and with a low cost and fee, in order to make people understand and generalize it in the entire insurance industry.


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