Original Research Paper
The effect of liberalizing the tariff system on the efficiency of insurance companies

A.A. Najafi; E. Farokhnejad; H.R. Nouralizadeh

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 259-273


  Reforming institutions with the aim of improving society's welfare is one of the goals of economic policymakers. In this research, the efficiency of insurance companies and the effect of reforming the rate and tariff system (institutional change) in 2018 have been analyzed. For this purpose, in the first ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of bank ownership on the insurance companies' financial performances

V. Mahmoudi; S. Khamseh

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 274-286


  One of the topics discussed in the financial field is the relationship between the ownership structure of companies and their performance. Increasing the performance indicators on one hand has satisfied the shareholders and on the other hand it is considered as an opportunity to increase the risk acceptance ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Eliminating the negative effects of inflation from the life insurance policies using the currency basket

Gh. Mahdavi; J. Alipour

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 287-302


  One of the factors of insufficient demand for life insurance in the country is the presence of stable inflation, which reduces the purchasing power of life insurance capital. To investigate this issue, 204 questionnaires were distributed among two equal groups of life insurance buyers and those who have ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of accounting standard No. 28 implementation and the increase of claims on the insurance companies' Solvency margin

A.H. Jangi; A. Asadi; S.O. MirAghazadeh

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 303-314


  Supervision of insurance companies has always been one of the most important concerns of governments. In insurance, paying the price of providing the service before the service (payment of damages) and the ability to fulfill obligations by the obligee (insurer) is one of the most important challenges ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The insurance salesmen competency model for the implemention of competency-based management

Kh. Abili; Z. Nikkhah Farkhani; M. Salehnia

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 315-331


  The important role of insurance sellers in the profitability and competitiveness of the insurance industry at the micro and macro levels and the need to adopt a coherent and scientific approach in the selection and development of the activists in this field, identifying the required competencies is of ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
The effect of organizational capabilities on competitive performance with regard to the mediating role of knowledge management

H. Arazmjoo; Y. Ghaseminezhad; Sh. Tayar

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 332-347


  Knowledge is considered as one of the important components in gaining sustainable competitive advantage, efficiency preservation and the effectiveness of organizations. Management of this valuable asset needs a special attention to optimizing the required organizational capabilities, making solidarity ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Enhancement of the customer loyalty using a strategic relationship marketing (Case study: Insurance companies affiliated to the banks)

S. Sehhat; S.K. Nourbakhsh; L. Rezaee Hajidehi

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 348-360


  This research has been done with the aim of identifying factors affecting brand loyalty in insurance companies affiliated with banks. The statistical population includes insurance companies affiliated with banks in Tehran, and the respondent population consists of customers and users of the services ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Analysis of longitudinal count responses for the number of claims with a high number of zeros in the third party insurance portfolio of Iran

F. Salavati; E. Bahrami Samani

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 361-371


  In third-party insurance, due to the reward-penalty system and the use of the end-of-year bonus system, the insured does not report his small losses to the insurance company. This creates many zeros in the number of claims for the insured. On the other hand, it is important for insurance companies to ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
A comparative study of the notion of the insurable interest in the indemnity insurance in Iran, England and France law

M. Izanloo; F. Fooladgar

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 372-384


  The benefit of the insured is the main pillar and consideration of the insurance contract from betting and gambling. Interest as a necessary element of the contract is mentioned in Article 4 of Iran's Insurance Law and in the field of damage insurance, but in our legal literature it has not been discussed ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
A comparative study of the unemployment period protections in Iran and Germany law

M.H. Kaviani; Z. Mirzaee

Volume 3, Issue 3 , July 2014, Pages 385-396


  The issue of supporting workers during unemployment has always been the concern of governments and among the original ideals of human rights organizations, especially the International Labor Organization, due to its two important economic and social aspects.The most important type of support that can ...  Read More