Document Type : Original Research Paper



Knowledge is considered as one of the important components in gaining sustainable competitive advantage, efficiency preservation and the effectiveness of organizations. Management of this valuable asset needs a special attention to optimizing the required organizational capabilities, making solidarity and coordination between them. Therefore, organizational capabilities have an impressive role in facilitating knowledge management’s implementations and producing competitive environment in the organization. For this reason, in this article, the role and effect of technological, structural and cultural capabilities in the prosperity of the organization’s competitive performance have been investigated considering the mediator role of knowledge management. The statistical population of  the research included 200 experts and managers in a private insurance company. To gather the data, the census method and questionnaire have been used. In order to test the hypothesises and the research model, Partial Least Square (PLS) method has been used. The research findings indicated that the cultural capability has a positive and meaningful correlation with the organization’s competitive performance. Also, the research findings confirmed the mediator role of the knowledge management. Based on the findings, some suggestions were presented to the managers and researchers of this organization.


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