Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Human Resource Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Human Resource Management, Payam Noor University, Khorasan Razavi Branch, Iran

3 Department of Human Resource Management, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, South Khorasan, Iran


The important role of insurance sellers in the profitability and competitiveness of the insurance industry at the micro and macro levels and the need to adopt a coherent and scientific approach in the selection and development of the activists in this field, identifying the required competencies is of particular importance. In this regard, the current research, with a resource-oriented perspective and using the pragmatism approach, first determined the competencies required by insurance sellers using the Delphi technique, and then ranked the calculated competencies using the fuzzy network analysis model. In order to explain the components of the model and check the construct validity of the questionnaires, confirmatory factor analysis method and Lisrel software have been used. The results showed that, in order of priority, the competencies of problem solving, communication, insurance knowledge, professional ethics, the ability to use information technology, creativity, risk management, emotional intelligence, familiarity with various financial services and familiarity with Internet marketing techniques are among the most important. Qualifications required by insurance salespeople.

The results of this research, in addition to the fact that in the field of human resources planning, it can open the way for managers of the insurance industry, in the field of recruitment, recruitment, training, and even in the field of performance evaluation of the sales network, it can also be useful and fruitful for managers.


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