• Abbasi, M. Determining the characteristics and levels of supplementary health insurance and estimating consumers' willingness to pay [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 189-206]

  • Asghari Sarem, Ali Providing effective strategies in customer confusion management in life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • AZADBAKHT, FATEMEH Extracting the jurisprudential concepts of takaful from the opinions and insurance fatwas of Imami jurists [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]


  • Babaei, S. The evolution and determinants of accepted in Tehran stock exchange insurance companies’ Profitability: A DEA-based perspective [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 61-70]

  • Bazyar, M. Determining the characteristics and levels of supplementary health insurance and estimating consumers' willingness to pay [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 189-206]

  • Behboudirad, Z. Investigating the effect of regulation on the efficiency of insurance companies; A dynamic regression approach [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 155-172]


  • Darabi, R. Determining the optimal investment portfolio in civil servants pension fund using Markowitz and value at risk models [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 173-188]

  • Doroudi, H. Designing a model for improving the brand value of Iran insurance company based on effective actions to control and decrease destructive deviant behaviors of employees using a mixed method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 101-122]


  • Elahi, Sh. Intelligent monitoring in health insurance from the perspective of agency theory and control issues [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 227-240]

  • Esnaashari, M. Estimation of micro-level claim reserving using copula function [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 275-286]

  • Esna-Ashari, M. Providing the concept of risk package instead of risk factor in order to classify the risk of policyholders more accurately [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 15-28]


  • Forouz Shahrestani, M. Designing a model for improving the brand value of Iran insurance company based on effective actions to control and decrease destructive deviant behaviors of employees using a mixed method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 101-122]


  • Ghanbarzadeh, M. Determining the characteristics and levels of supplementary health insurance and estimating consumers' willingness to pay [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 189-206]

  • Ghobadi Lamuki, Tohfeh Ghobadi Lamuki Providing effective strategies in customer confusion management in life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Ghousi, R. Portfolio optimization for insurance companies under different scenarios (A case study of Tehran stock exchange) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 241-254]


  • Hajialiakbari, F. Designing a model for improving the brand value of Iran insurance company based on effective actions to control and decrease destructive deviant behaviors of employees using a mixed method [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 101-122]

  • Hajiyan, H. A comprehensive analysis of keywords co-occurrence network and the most cited journals on data mining techniques in insurance industry using scientometrics approach [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 71-86]

  • Hasani, S.R. Designing an organizational reputation model for the insurance industry with an emphasis on identifying and ranking factors affecting reputation [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 87-100]

  • Hasanzadeh, A. Intelligent monitoring in health insurance from the perspective of agency theory and control issues [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 227-240]

  • Heidari, M. The evolution and determinants of accepted in Tehran stock exchange insurance companies’ Profitability: A DEA-based perspective [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 61-70]

  • Hosseini, N. Designing an organizational reputation model for the insurance industry with an emphasis on identifying and ranking factors affecting reputation [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 87-100]

  • Hosseini Khatibani, S. Predicting people's health insurance costs using machine learning and ensemble learning methods [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-14]

  • Hozarmoghadam, N. Determining the characteristics and levels of supplementary health insurance and estimating consumers' willingness to pay [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 189-206]


  • Izadi, L. Intelligent monitoring in health insurance from the perspective of agency theory and control issues [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 227-240]


  • Jabbari Nooghabi, M. Estimation of the parameters of Weibull distribution and net premium against outliers [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 43-60]

  • Jamali, Gholamreza Investigating the Impact of Marketing Intelligence on Green Insurance Activities From the Customers' Point of View [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]


  • Khademi Gerashi, M. The Effect of personality traits, social status and perceived risk on purchase intention of life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 123-136]

  • Khalilzadeh Talatapeh, Masumeh Providing effective strategies in customer confusion management in life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Khamesian, F. Providing the concept of risk package instead of risk factor in order to classify the risk of policyholders more accurately [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 15-28]

  • Khanizadeh, F. Providing the concept of risk package instead of risk factor in order to classify the risk of policyholders more accurately [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 15-28]

  • Khanlou Savejbolagh, M. Determining the optimal investment portfolio in civil servants pension fund using Markowitz and value at risk models [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 173-188]

  • Khashei, Vahid A model for strategic control in insurance companies in Iranian insurance industry [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Khosravi, َA. Determining the product diversification strategy of insurance companies using product space theory and network science [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 207-226]


  • Memarzadeh, Danial Investigating the Impact of Marketing Intelligence on Green Insurance Activities From the Customers' Point of View [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Mirzaei, B. Identifying organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations among the employees of insurance companies [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 255-274]

  • Mohammadi, A. Identifying organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations among the employees of insurance companies [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 255-274]

  • Mohammadi, E. Portfolio optimization for insurance companies under different scenarios (A case study of Tehran stock exchange) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 241-254]

  • Mohammadi sarab, N. Determining the product diversification strategy of insurance companies using product space theory and network science [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 207-226]

  • Mohammadkhani, R. Explaining the customer lifetime value (CLV) model in insurance companies with a mixed approach [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 29-42]

  • Mozafari, khadijeh Legal analysis of assignment contract of life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]


  • Najafpour, A. Identification of sustainability assessment components for insurance companies in Iran using fuzzy delphi and clustering techniques [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-154]

  • Nasehifar, Vahid Providing effective strategies in customer confusion management in life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Nawabakhsh, M. Identifying organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations among the employees of insurance companies [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 255-274]

  • Niakan, L. Investigating the effect of regulation on the efficiency of insurance companies; A dynamic regression approach [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 155-172]

  • Nosrati, Sh. The Effect of personality traits, social status and perceived risk on purchase intention of life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 123-136]

  • Nourolahzadeh, N. Determining the optimal investment portfolio in civil servants pension fund using Markowitz and value at risk models [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 173-188]


  • Piadeh Kohsar, M. Estimation of micro-level claim reserving using copula function [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 275-286]


  • Rahimi Kolour, H. Explaining the customer lifetime value (CLV) model in insurance companies with a mixed approach [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 29-42]

  • Refoua, Shabnam Implementation of knowledge management in Iran's insurance industry: drivers and inhibitors [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • R.Jadidi, Mahdi Extracting the jurisprudential concepts of takaful from the opinions and insurance fatwas of Imami jurists [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Rostami Mal Khalifeh, M. The evolution and determinants of accepted in Tehran stock exchange insurance companies’ Profitability: A DEA-based perspective [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 61-70]


  • Shafiee, S. Intelligent monitoring in health insurance from the perspective of agency theory and control issues [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 227-240]

  • Shahbazi, Parham A model for strategic control in insurance companies in Iranian insurance industry [Volume 13, Issue 4, 2024]

  • Shams, S. Estimation of micro-level claim reserving using copula function [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 275-286]

  • Shirkhodaie, M. Identification of sustainability assessment components for insurance companies in Iran using fuzzy delphi and clustering techniques [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-154]

  • Sohrabi, E. Estimation of the parameters of Weibull distribution and net premium against outliers [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 43-60]

  • Soltanzadeh, J. Identification of sustainability assessment components for insurance companies in Iran using fuzzy delphi and clustering techniques [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-154]

  • Souri, A. Investigating the effect of regulation on the efficiency of insurance companies; A dynamic regression approach [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 155-172]


  • Tajaddodi Nodehi, M. Predicting people's health insurance costs using machine learning and ensemble learning methods [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-14]

  • Tayyar, Sh. The Effect of personality traits, social status and perceived risk on purchase intention of life insurance [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 123-136]


  • Yahyazadehfar, M. Identification of sustainability assessment components for insurance companies in Iran using fuzzy delphi and clustering techniques [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 137-154]

  • Yazdinejad, M. Predicting people's health insurance costs using machine learning and ensemble learning methods [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-14]


  • Zare zade, R. Portfolio optimization for insurance companies under different scenarios (A case study of Tehran stock exchange) [Volume 13, Issue 3, 2024, Pages 241-254]

  • Zarjini, A. A comprehensive analysis of keywords co-occurrence network and the most cited journals on data mining techniques in insurance industry using scientometrics approach [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 71-86]

  • Zolfi, S. Predicting people's health insurance costs using machine learning and ensemble learning methods [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 1-14]