Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan Branch, Dehaghan, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Objective: The present research was conducted with the aim of exploring and explaining organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations in the Iranian insurance industry.
Methods: The current study is based on a descriptive-exploratory mixed methodology. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the study includes experts from the fields of insurance management and economic sociology and development. The survey was conducted using a purposive and snowball sampling method of 26 experts until saturation. The statistical population of the quantitative part of the study included employees of Tehran insurance companies. A total of 354 people were selected as a statistical sample using a cluster sampling method. The instrument for data collection was semi-structured interviews with experts in the qualitative part and questionnaires in the quantitative part. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by form and content methods and its reliability by the Cronbach's alpha method. The data from the qualitative part of the study was analyzed using the thematic analysis method and the data from the quantitative part using confirmatory factor analysis with the Amos21 software.
Results: Based on the results of the qualitative part, a total of 52 basic themes, 18 organizing themes and 5 inclusive themes (organizational justice, organizational commitment, informal organization, organizational culture and legality) were identified. According to the results of the quantitative part, organizational justice and organizational commitment have a negative and inverse effect with -0.84 and -0.56, respectively, and the variable of informal organization has a positive and direct effect with 0.54 on the violations of employees of insurance companies operating in the field of third-party liability insurance. The variable of organizational justice had an effect on the violations of insurance company employees through the influence on organizational commitment and informal organization.
Conclusion: Based on the research findings, it is suggested that the organizational factors presented in this study should be considered in the strategic plans of the insurance industry in addressing insurance violations and should be emphasized by insurance companies. In the area of organizational justice, it is suggested that in order to restore organizational justice, the mentioned values should be considered among the employees of the insurance companies and the implementation of justice in the organizational processes. In terms of organizational commitment, it is suggested that the dimensions of organizational commitment considered in this research should be considered as a basis for improving the organizational commitment of employees. In relation to informal organization, it is also suggested that if there is a positive attitude towards informal organizations, their existence should be used in line with the objectives and strategies of insurance companies.


Main Subjects

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Vice President of Planning and Development of the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2020. Statistical yearbook of 2019 insurance industry. Tehran. Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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