Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Brands are always influenced by internal and external factors that play a fundamental role in enhancing their value. Behavioral factors of employees at different levels, from high to operational, are considered organizational factors that have an impact on brand value. If these behaviors are positive, they lead to the promotion of brand value, but if they are negative and deviant, they are considered a threat to companies in a very competitive environment, especially public economic enterprises. Accordingly, it seems necessary to take efficient action to control and reduce deviant behaviors.
METHODS: The current research is mixed in terms of exploratory-applied purpose and in terms of method. The statistical population of the research included all experts, including high-level managers, branch supervisors, and Iran Insurance Agencies in the northern provinces of the country, including Guilan, Mazandaran, and Golestan. In the qualitative part, the meta-synthesis qualitative method was used to collect the effective actions. Then, in order to determine the most effective actions from the point of view of Iran insurance experts, two-stage Delphi-fuzzy method was used. In the quantitative section, partial least squares method was used to validate and test the model. The sample size in the Delphi-fuzzy section was 30 experts, and in the quantitative section, 340 questionnaires were distributed among insurance personnel in 3 northern provinces by non-probability quota sampling method.
FINDINGS: First, using the meta-synthesis qualitative method, effective actions to control and reduce deviant behaviors were counted and 51 actions were coded in 4 categories with thematic analysis method; Then, with the Delphi-Fuzzy technique and distribution of survey forms among 30 Iran insurance experts in the 3 northern provinces, 39 actions with definite numbers above 0.7. In the final 4 categories and a structural model to investigate the effect of the actions on the brand value was designed. In the quantitative part, a questionnaire containing 51 questions was distributed among 240 employees of the Iranian insurance branches and agencies in 3 provinces by quota sampling method. The structural model fitting results showed that the model has a strong fit with a goodness of fit index equal to 0.52. Also, the results of the path analysis showed that structural and organizational actions with a path coefficient of 0.79 have the greatest effect on brand value.
CONCLUSION: In this research, it was found that one of the most important concerns of the managers of state-owned economic enterprises in the highly competitive market is the use of effective actions to control and reduce employee deviance so that they are within a logical and constructive range, otherwise, the value of their brands will be damaged. Therefore, to control and reduce such destructive behaviors, research proposals should be considered. 


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