Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Economics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of General Studies of insurance, Insurance Research Center, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the important issues that has attracted the attention of economists over the past decades is the role of financial systems in the economic growth of countries. Insurance industry is one significant component of financial markets. Therefore, the stability and efficiency of insurance industry as a financial market sector is important for a country's economy. One of the most crucial changes in Iran's insurance industry is the regulations having been made in recent years. One main goal of regulation is to eliminate problems of market failure and improve efficiency. This research investigates the effect of these regulations on the efficiency of insurance companies in Iran.
METHODS: The studied community is 27 insurance companies in the country and the relevant statistics were collected for the years 1385-1400 Persian Year (2005-2020). This study was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, the efficiency of insurance companies has been measured, using the method of data envelopment analysis (DEA) with the bootstrap approach. The implicit assumption of the traditional data envelopment analysis method is that the inputs and outputs are definite. But the output of an insurer is not necessarily certain. To solve this problem, we can use the bootstrap approach to obtain statistical characteristics for this technique. In the second stage, in order to investigate the effect of regulation on efficiency, according to the reviewed studies, the purpose of the present study, and the conditions of Iran's insurance industry, the effective factors on efficiency are determined and the regression model is defined. Then, the dynamic regression model was estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) and the related tests confirmed the validity of the results of the model. To calculate the efficiency and estimation of the model, MATLAB and Eviews software were used.
FINDINGS: The most important finding of the research is the significant effect of regulation on efficiency. Also the coefficient of regulation, market share, and privateness of insurance companies are estimated as -0.066, 0.041 and 0.306 respectively.
CONCLUSION: The results of the research show that regulation had a negative effect on the efficiency of insurers and led to a decrease in their efficiency, but the market share and the privateness of insurance companies had a positive effect on the efficiency. In the end, suggestions for improving the efficiency of insurers have been presented.


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