Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Industrial Management Institute of Higher Education , Kermanshah, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Management, Faculty Management, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Insurance industry as one of the infrastructures of mental security and peace of society can play an important role in social development. In order to increase the penetration rate of insurance among people and then develop a country's insurance industry, also the prosperity of its beneficial economic cycle, the need for an insurance industry with a good organizational reputation at the macro-national level is felt. The purpose of this article is to design an organizational reputation model for the insurance industry while emphasizing the identification and ranking of factors influencing organizational reputation.
METHODS: The present research method is a mixed qualitative and quantitative one. In the qualitative research section, the Grounded Theory method is used to present conceptual model. Statistical sample of this section includes 24 experts and specialists from insurance industry. In the qualitative section, Snowball Sampling method is applied, semi-structured interview method is used to collect data and 3-step open, axial and selective coding process is used to analyze data . The result of this section is to present a paradigm model and identify the factors affecting the organizational reputation of  the insurance industry. In the quantitative part, the factors affecting organizational reputation are  ranked using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and  data is analyzed using the confirmatory factor analysis method and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In the quantitative section, data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire based on categories and concepts obtained from qualitative part. Statistical sample includes 384 stakeholders of insurance companies in Tehran, Hamadan, Kermanshah, and Kurdistan provinces. 
FINDINGS: Winning customers' trust, organizational structure, culture instilling, macro strategies at three levels: Central Insurance, insurance companies, and technological programs are effective categories in the organizational reputation of the insurance industry. Increasing the penetration rate of insurance and creating psychological peace of society have been identified as the consequences of the main phenomenon. In general, 40 concepts effective in the organizational reputation of the insurance industry were identified. After the ranking, the national development programs are in the first place and the attention of insurance companies to social responsibility is placed in the last priority of the ranking table.
CONCLUSION: The trust of customers in the insurance industry has a significant impact on the good reputation of the organization. It is one of the factors that influence the trust, organizational structure and macro strategies of the Central Insurance. Formulation of the Central Insurance’s strategies based on intra-organizational and extra-organizational cultural view will directly affect the actions of insurance companies (private and public).On the other hand, the road map of using new hardware and software technologies in the insurance industry will follow. The objective appearance of the strategies will be manifested in the perspective of the contacts and customers of the insurance industry, and that mental image that includes the perception of the sense of trust and good reputation will be formed in the public mind.


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