Original Research Paper Future research in the insurance industry
Identification of the affecting factors on the future of auto insurance in Iran

S. Jafari Nia; M. Salmasi; H. Khastar; L. Niakan

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 261-276


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Societies, organizations or individuals must not only face fundamental environmental changes and react to these changes, but also study the necessary forecasts to prepare for such events and strive to achieve a favorable future. Insurance  industry also is not excluded ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance rights
The basis of non-acceptance of the statute of limitations of the injured party's claim against the insurer in the compulsory insurance law approved in 2016

H. Afkar; A. khodabakhshi

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 277-286


  FINDINGS: Although the removal of the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits from Iran's legal system, based on the theory of the Guardian Council, has been practically recognized, the arguments for the survival of the statute of limitations in some specific lawsuits, such as insurance lawsuits, are ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Marketing and Sales
Providing a paradigm model of customers' experience of wandering in choosing services from data based approach insurance companies: Grounded theory approach

M. Alirahimi; K. Hamdi; H. Mehrani; E. Kavousi

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 287-304


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The insurance industry is one of the most used professions and the popularity of general insurance services is increasing. Meanwhile, insurance companies that can create better satisfaction (CX) for their policyholders will earn more profit. Research has shown that many customers ...  Read More

Case Study New Insurance Technologies
Investigating the churn of life insurance customers using data mining methods (A case Study: One of the Iran’s insurance companies)

H. Ghorbani; M. Ghanbarzadeh; R. Ofoghi

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 305-320


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Customer retention is always considered as the most important principle in all industries, and the insurance industry is no exception. During the recent years in the Iranian society, with the increase in the sale of life insurance policies, the retention of insurance customers ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Risk assessment in insurance
Identifying customers' risk in auto insurance and calculating distorted insurance premiums

s. Sepahvand; S. Ramandi; R. Mahmoudvand

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 321-338


    CONCLUSION: If low-risk and high-risk customers are not separated, the amount of insurance premium for all members of society is the same and equal to 17,012,700 Rials. This amount will be a large amount for people with low risk or people without damage, so after classifying customers and ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance rights
A comparative study of the crime of fraudulent use of insurance benefits in Iranian and American criminal law

A. Khalegi; D. Seify

Volume 11, Issue 4 , October 2022, Pages 339-356


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The extent of fraudulent use of insurance benefits is one of the basic problems of social and commercial insurances, which causes huge damage to policyholders, insured persons and society To combat this abnormality, our legislator criminalized Article 97 of the Social Security ...  Read More