Original Research Paper Loss adjuster in insurance
A reflection on the loss ratio method in the automobile third party liability insurance loss reserving

F. Atatalab; A.T. Payandeh Najafabadi

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 1-14


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To predict loss reserve using a stochastic approach and compare it with the proposed deterministic methods in the central insurance directive of the method of estimating and controlling the adequacy of loss reserves in the field of automobile third party liability insurance.METHODS: ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance pricing
Pricing life insurance products in Iran using fuzzy interest rates

M. Aalaei

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 15-30


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the most important problems involved insurance companies is insurance products pricing. In recent actuarial researches, fuzzy random variables have been used to consider uncertainty of economics parameters in insurance products pricing. Due to the effects of interest ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance Social Studies
The benefits of health-related human resource management, positive stress mindsets, collective well-being and employee performance

M. Poursalimi; M. Karimi Torghabeh; S. Kouhjani

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 31-40


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Considering the strategic decision-making functions, employee well-being may be included as the main goal in the organization's strategies and in the management of Health-related human resources. Health-related human resource management is one of the enablers in strategic planning ...  Read More

Original Research Paper New Insurance Technologies
Analyzing the influencing factors in the acceptance of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the Iranian insurance industry

M. Gharahkhani; S. O. Pourhashemi

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 41-56


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Internet of Things is a new revolution that emerged in the late 21st century, whereby everyday objects such as household items, cars, and wearable's, which are equipped with sensors and RFID chips, can communicate with each other via the internet and interact to their physical ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Loss adjuster in insurance
Corona prevalence and challenges of ship damage coverage in marine insurance

H. Ramezani; Gh. Fayzi Chakab

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 57-66


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Identify the effects and challenges of corona in the field of marine insurance and the extent of claims coverage And as well as explaining workable strategies to help address these challenges And long-term preventive policies to overcome similar crises in the future possible. METHODS: ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance rights
The nature and scope of the sentence related to the transfer of the insurer's property to the bodily damages supply fund

M. Ghorbani Jouybari; H. Abhary

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2022, Pages 67-74


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In order to protect the victims of accidents caused by vehicles and with the aim of speeding up the compensation, in certain cases, the fund for providing bodily damages is responsible for paying bodily damages (Article 21 of the Compulsory Insurance Law for damages caused ...  Read More