Original Research Paper
The effect of life insurance development on happiness indicators in selected countries

A. Shahabadi; A. Moradi; M. S. Seyed Rezaei

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 155-168


  Objective: Feeling happy plays a constructive role in ensuring the mental, physical and physical health of individuals and increasing their motivation and productivity. Hence, happiness has become one of the measures of sustainable development. In this regard, the present study examines the impact of ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Analysis of mortality models with covariates missing at random

S. Shoaee; R. Fathi

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 169-184


  Objective: Demographic indicators such as mortality rates play a very important role in health, financial and pension policies. Therefore, the accuracy of mathematical models in estimating mortality rates is an important challenge. One of the tasks of actuaries is to construct a suitable mortality model ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Discovering profitable customers by data mining approach

M. Nezhad-Afrasiabi; A. Esfahanipour; A. M. Kimiagari

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 185-196


  Objective: Today, customers have become a critical factor in directing investors, producers, and even researchers and innovators. For this reason, organizations need to know about their customers and plan for them. Insurance companies and in general the insurance industry in each country, is one of the ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Analysis of social marketing components in the insurance industry using thematic analysis and fuzzy delphi

S. Pourhassan; H. Niki; M. Honarmand Azim; M. Rezvani

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 197-216


  Objective:  The insurance industry is a part of the service sector, and it is undoubtedly one of the innovative achievements of human society to compensate for the consequences of burdensome events. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the components of social marketing in the insurance industry.Methodology: ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Insurance fraud in the compulsory insurance law (2016) (By looking at the American legal system)

H. Rostami; S. Monazami tabar

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 217-228


  Objective: The crime of insurance fraud has attracted the attention of American researchers for many years, and the result of their studies has been the success in curbing this crime. The US legal system has not limited the fight against insurance fraud to punishment, but has taken precautionary measures ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Compensable damages to property by third party insurer and the restrictions governing it under compulsory insurance act 2016

M. Fallah Kharyeki

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 229-240


  Objective: The present study attempts to examine the instances of damages to property caused by traffic accidents and the restrictions and conditions governing their reimbursement, which under Compulsory Insurance Act 2016, an insurer will compensate if there is a valid third party insurance and ultimately ...  Read More

Promotional-Science Article
A systematic review of future studies in the field of auto insurance

S. Jafari Nia; M. Salmasi; H. Khastar; L. Niakan

Volume 10, Issue 3 , July 2021, Pages 241-254


  Objective: Auto insurances in Iran accounts for a significant share of sales among various types of insurance, ao sensitivity and attention to its future developments is very high. The aim of present study is to identify the influential factors and future characteristics of auto insurance in the world.Method: ...  Read More