Original Research Paper financial markets
Investigating the role of political, economic and financial risk regimes in life insurance demand

H. Asayesh; S.P. Jalili

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 1-14


  CONCLUSION: The results of the three models estimation showed that real interest rate does not have a significant effect, which can be due to underdevelopment of financial market, interference in the money market and banking system, and the determination of interest rate in the selected countries. In ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Identifying and prioritizing the criteria for evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities in the insurance industry (Case study: Parsian insurance company)

S. M. Rashidifard; S. Safari; A. Habibirad

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 15-24


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Achieving competitive advantage in insurance industry requires innovation and entrepreneurship. Opportunity identification is the essence and starting point of entrepreneurship. Opportunity evaluation is an essential element in the entrepreneurial process that facilitates the ...  Read More

Original Research Paper
Determining the values of succession planning culture in the Iranian insurance industry

Sh. Tayar; s. M. Allameh; S.A. Siadat

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 25-36


  Objective: This study aims to identify and explain values of supportive cultural succession planning (SCSP) in the Iran insurance industry. Method: This study was a mixed method research with the descriptive-exploratory approach. The research population in the qualitative study were the academic staff ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Marketing and Sales
Measuring and evaluating the satisfaction of life insurance customers

K. Motarjem; L. Niakan

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 37-52


  Objective: The main aim of this study was to propose a developed model to investigate factors affecting life insurance customers’ satisfaction in the Iranian insurance industry useing structural equations and stratified regression analysis. Methodology: This study was descriptive-analytical. The ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance rights
The basis of owner's and insurer's obligation in 2016 compulsory insurance to losses to third- party

ُS. A. A. Rahimi; D. Mohebbi Anjadani

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 53-62


  Objective: This study aimed to find a properly theory to analyze the relationship between owner's responsibility and insurer in “Compulsory insurance to losses to third parties as a result of accidents caused by vehicles act” that the owner's responsibility is restricted merely to insure ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Risk management in the insurance industry
The role of internal auditing in enterprise risk management (ERM): insurance companies in Iran

M. Rezakhani; F. Dadbeh

Volume 10, Issue 1 , January 2021, Pages 63-72


  Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of internal audit in comprehensive risk management (CRM) of Iranian insurance companies and to find out whether internal audit affects the comprehensive risk management in these companies. Methodology: This study is an applied study in terms of its ...  Read More