Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Private Law, School of Law, Imam Sadiq University (AS), Tehran, Iran


The shipping industry is considered one of the most important and efficient fields in the world. Due to the fact that various accidents always threaten this industry, the fear of losses caused by these accidents has led to the adoption of methods to compensate these losses, especially through the insurance industry. Despite the expansion of the activities of the marine insurance industry, there are still a group of risks and risks that ordinary marine insurance companies do not provide coverage for due to the high cost of these risks; But on the other hand, the commonness of these risks has caused the ship owners to form non-profit clubs that can compensate for these losses and protect their assets as much as possible. Today, due to the efficiency of these clubs and the existence of legal and international requirements, shipping companies are forced to draw up contracts and benefit from the services and coverage provided by these clubs. Our country has not been exempted from this rule due to the existence of a large fleet, the level of mobility and activity of the ports and the special geographical location. Therefore, considering the importance of these clubs, in this article we will analyze their nature, structure and characteristics, which according to the author of the registration of support and compensation clubs in the form of a non-profit organization and what happened in practice in the case of the only Iranian support and compensation club from a legal point of view It is not correct and the correct format in which support and compensation clubs can be formed and operate is the format of a joint stock company.


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