Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan Branch, Rafsanjan, Iran

3 Department of computer engineerin, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Considering the strategic decision-making functions, employee well-being may be included as the main goal in the organization's strategies and in the management of Health-related human resources. Health-related human resource management is one of the enablers in strategic planning and decision making, because in times of rapidly changing markets and increasing competitive pressure, human resources can facilitate the development of a workforce that is able to be flexible and adapt to the demands of be strategically a variable of the organization. Due to the strategic decision-making functions, employee well-being may be included as the main goal in the organization's strategy in order to ensure the strategic health-related human resource management. Also, due to the beneficial relationship between the positive stress Mindset of sales staff and collective Well-Being, it is expected that healthy human resource management has an indirect relationship with company performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact Health-related human resource management, positive stress mindset and collective well-being of the employees of insurance companies on their performance.
METHODS: This research is an applied survey-descriptive and based on the mutual benefit perspective, which examines the conceptual model adapted from a study abroad. The population of this study included employees of different levels of insurance companies in the city of Mashhad, the total size of the population for this study was considered unknown. 450 questionnaires were distributed among the members of the statistical community and finally 384 valid questionnaires were collected as a sample using simple random sampling method. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire adapted from theoretical foundations on a Likert scale of five options. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling using Smart PLS and SPSS software.
FINDINGS: The results of descriptive statistics showed that the variable of Health-related human resource management has an average of 4.29, positive stress 4.29, collective emotional fatigue 4.08, collective engagement 4.16 and performance variable has an average of 4.15. Path analysis results showed that all research hypotheses were confirmed and besides health related HRM on positive stress mindset and positive stress mindset. Also found to affect the performance of insurance companies in Mashhad. In addition, positive stress mindset and collective well-being mediated the relationship between health-related HRM and performance.
CONCLUSION: As a result of data analysis, it was found that health-related human resource management in insurance companies is effective in creating a psychologically healthy place and thus helps job security, commitment and more employee involvement with the job. In fact, health-related human resource management has a double emphasis on employees' efforts to prevent health threats, which can be indirectly related to collective engagement and organizational performance. As a result, paying attention to human resource management measures to ensure the mental health of insurance industry employees and support these measures to prevent burnout along with human resource planning with the cooperation of industry employees, permanent and systematic evaluation of healthy human resources and support and Top management's emphasis on the importance of a psychologically healthy work environment can positively affect learning and growth, productivity, and workplace stress.


Main Subjects

Tersa, P., (2017). The relationship between occupational stress, psychological well-being and job performance of athletes and non-athletes of Ahvaz Police Force. Police Knowl. Khuzestan, 6(21): 133-156 (24 pages). (In Persian)
Ziauddin, I.; Khan, M.; Jam, F.; Hijazi, S., (2010). The impacts of employees’ job stress on organizational commitment. Eur. J. Social Sci., 13(4): 617-622 (6 pages).

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