Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Management, Department of Business Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


A radical and sudden change in an environment called a "discontinuity" is one of the characteristics of environments where organizations operate which can challenge sustenance of organizations and destroy their completive advantages. Applying a systematic approach to controlling and scanning an environment, help organizations to respond effectively to discontinuities by anticipating them well in advance. Based on this perspective, a system of strategic controls for controlling organizations’ environment and scanning discontinuities has been proposed. Here in this paper we carry out a research in two phases applying an Exploratory Mixed Methods Design in order to identify the elements of this strategic control system and investigate the relations between its elements. Firstly, the information is gathered through interviews and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Secondly, the data is gathered through a questionnaire and analyzed by ISM method. According to the results of the content analyses, 15 elements are identified as elements of strategic control system. These elements are organized in a hieratical model using ISM method.


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