Original Research Paper Risk assessment in insurance
Determining the characteristics and levels of supplementary health insurance and estimating consumers' willingness to pay

N. Hozarmoghadam; M. Ghanbarzadeh; M. Bazyar; M. Abbasi

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 189-206


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Despite the great importance of supplementary health insurance, one of the obstacles to its expansion is that the willingness to pay for it is not known. The disregard for insurance calculations in the law and the supportive views of policy makers in this area have meant that ...  Read More

Case Study Future research in the insurance industry
Determining the product diversification strategy of insurance companies using product space theory and network science

َA. Khosravi; N. Mohammadi sarab

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 207-226


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Product diversification is a common strategy used by economic enterprises to reduce risk, increase brand strength, maintain market dominance, optimize resource utilization, and increase income and profitability. Although diversification is not a new concept, there is a need ...  Read More

Promotional-Science Article New Insurance Technologies
Intelligent monitoring in health insurance from the perspective of agency theory and control issues

L. Izadi; Sh. Elahi; A. Hasanzadeh; S. Shafiee

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 227-240


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Without an effective monitoring system, organizations cannot successfully accomplish their missions and properly allocate their resources. Millions of health insurance transactions are conducted every month. These transactions should be examined from both a "real" and "scientific" ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Risk management in the insurance industry
Portfolio optimization for insurance companies under different scenarios (A case study of Tehran stock exchange)

R. Zare zade; R. Ghousi; E. Mohammadi; H. ghanbari

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 241-254


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The capital market is one of the most influential institutions in the country when it comes to the economic improvement of society, and the optimal investment in this market has always been the main concern of investors and researchers in this field. Nowadays, a lot of research ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Insurance Social Studies
Identifying organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations among the employees of insurance companies

B. Mirzaei; A. Mohammadi; M. Nawabakhsh

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 255-274


  Objective: The present research was conducted with the aim of exploring and explaining organizational factors affecting third-party liability insurance violations in the Iranian insurance industry.Methods: The current study is based on a descriptive-exploratory mixed methodology. The statistical population ...  Read More

Original Research Paper Loss adjuster in insurance
Estimation of micro-level claim reserving using copula function

S. Shams; M. Esnaashari; M. Piadeh Kohsar

Volume 13, Issue 3 , April 2024, Pages 275-286


  BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The estimate of reserved claims is based on the prediction of the final amount of claims that have not yet been settled and which the insurer has undertaken to pay. The micro-level approach estimates the amount of each unsettled claim separately. In this context, the time taken ...  Read More