Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of MBA, Payam Noor University, Tehran West, Tehran, Iran


One of the concerns of organizations is feasibility and awareness of the organization's readiness for implementing business intelligence. In this article, using the approach provided by Steve Williams and Nancy Williams, seven indicators were considered to measure the readiness of organizations to implement business intelligence, which are: strategic alignment of business and information technology, portfolio management, organization and information technology participation, technical readiness of business intelligence systems. And data warehouse, the culture of decision-making process engineering, the culture of continuous process improvement, and the culture of using information and analytical tools. Therefore, a questionnaire containing 39 items was compiled and an insurance company with 245 full-time employees was selected as the statistical population. A sample consisting of 150 employees of that company was selected using a random method and the prepared questionnaire was distributed among them. Construct validity was measured using confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha test. The results showed that the company under investigation is in a favorable position in terms of strategic alignment and portfolio management, but in terms of organizational and information technology participation, the culture of continuous process improvement, the culture of using information and analytical tools, the culture of methodical construction and engineering of the decision-making process and technical preparation. Business intelligence systems and data warehouses are in average condition. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions were made for better preparation of organizations in the implementation of business intelligence.


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