Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Private Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Razavi Khorasan, Iran


Iran's legal system has passed four legislative periods in the field of third party insurance. These laws were approved in 1331, 1347, 1387 and 1395, respectively. The new law has brought innovations and developments regarding the protection of the rights of the injured party and the insured, such as no need to obtain an extension by the insured, the development of the concept of an accident, the development of the concept of a third party, and the separation between the owner and the driver. Increasing the duties of the insurer and the bodily injury fund and predicting the guarantee of civil and criminal executions in order to prevent their misuse are other innovations of this law, which we will analyze their strengths and weaknesses in this research. In some ways, this law is considered a return to the same procedure as the law approved in 1331, which means that before referring to civil liability insurance, it has considered damage insurance.


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