Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Gilan, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Gilan, Iran


Life insurances, as one of the types of insurances that, by receiving premiums from the insured, support their survivors in case of death before retirement, have received attention in recent years. However, evidence suggests a general reluctance to purchase life insurance. The present research seeks to identify and prioritize factors affecting the lack of acceptance of life insurance in Gilan province. For this purpose, at first by studying the theoretical foundations of the research, the effective factors were identified. Then, these factors were given to 384 customers in the form of a questionnaire, and the statistical analysis of their answers led to the identification of 18 factors with greater importance. Since many of these factors had mutual relationships with each other, the fuzzy dimetal method was used to determine the basic factors. In this way, the factors identified in the form of a fuzzy Dimetal questionnaire were given to the managers of 45 branches of an insurance company in Gilan province. The results of data analysis using MATLAB 2014 software showed that the main factors affecting the lack of acceptance of life insurance in Rasht city: (1) from the perspective of effectiveness: income level, education level, inflation rate and recession, (2) from the perspective of effectiveness: Life expectancy, willingness to save, level of expectations and living standards, and (3) effectiveness and effectiveness in total: life expectancy, income level, living standards and education level. Finally, suggestions were made to increase the acceptance of life insurance to the insurers of the insurance company.


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