Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Payam Noor, Iran

2 Associat Professor, Business Management Group, Payame Noor University


Access to correct, effective and up-to-date information in today's highly competitive business environment is one of the power tools of any company at the national and corporate level to make decisions and adopt its competitive strategies; However, in the country's insurance industry, the correct and efficient establishment of business intelligence and knowledge management systems and the identification and promotion of the key success factors of these systems seem vital. The purpose of this research is to design a model for the success of business intelligence with the approach of improving knowledge management in the insurance industry. The important influencing variables in the success of business intelligence and knowledge management have been extracted from the topic using the contextual method and based on the Delphi method. In the following, the Delphi questionnaire was provided to the respondents and in the fourth round, the macro and micro variables of the research were obtained, and finally 34 variables in the form of four categories named knowledge management variables, business intelligence, mediator, and identified results and the model was designed and validated. And using the structural equation model, the extracted model was verified.


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