Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, School of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


Entering the new millennium and considering the rapid changes in the technology industry around the world, the competitiveness and ultimate survival of an organization depends on its ability to develop and produce new and innovative products and services. The countries of the world rely on innovation to increase productivity and improve the economic situation, and one of the main reasons for this attention is the increasing competition between societies. Acknowledging the above issue, the present article has been written with the aim of identifying and prioritizing the factors affecting the open innovation of an insurance company. In this research, after reviewing the articles on the subject, according to the selected model, 38 indicators were identified. After designing the questionnaire based on the mentioned 38 indicators and verifying its validity by experts, a number of 134 questionnaires were collected. The effect on open innovation of the organization was determined according to the opinion of experts.


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