Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industries, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Management, Department of Finance, Public Management Training Center, Tehran, Iran


In this research, first, a set of important variables for measuring customer satisfaction were identified. Then, the relevant questionnaire was implemented in one of the branches of the insurance company in order to check the satisfaction of third-party policyholders. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that the variables affecting the satisfaction of third-party insurers are expressed under the two factors "quality versus price" and "updatedness of services and processes". In addition, by using the one-sample t-test, it was found that the third-party insurers in the investigated branch are satisfied with both of the mentioned factors, but this satisfaction is average. According to them, the most important strengths of the insurance company under review are the provision of new insurance policies, easy access to purchase insurance policies, the trustworthiness of this insurance company, and the high quality of its services compared to other insurance companies. And its weak point is the lack of a suitable and efficient mechanism for receiving and handling the complaints of insurance policyholders. Also, measures such as shortening the process of buying insurance policies, creating an insurance courier for the renewal of insurance policies, etc., can increase the satisfaction index of third-party policy holders.


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