Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran


Arbitration is one of the prominent ways of resolving disputes in business and industry. The importance and role of arbitration, in addition to reducing lawsuits in court, is to speed up the settlement of damages, satisfaction and reduce other damages in the insurance industry. However, the insurance industry does not have much use for this solution, and in the latest developments, according to the compulsory insurance law for damages caused to third parties due to accidents caused by vehicles (9/5/2016), which was a good opportunity for the emergence of better arbitration, This possibility was not used. Although it is possible that the authorities stipulated in its articles 29 and 39 are compatible with arbitration, but more accuracy shows the opposite, because the damage assessor (the subject of the note of article 39) is compatible with the expert and the board (the subject of article 29) with the independent legal entity. And therefore is not subject to arbitration rules. In addition to examining the related concepts of arbitration, this article analyzes these materials.


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