Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Technology and Engineering, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, Khawaja Nasiruddin Tosi University, Tehran, Iran


This article presents a dynamic model in order to know the influencing factors on the change in the number of insured people in medical service insurance companies and to examine different policies to improve the behavior of the system in order to achieve the desired goals. Therefore, all the components of an insurance company, including investment units, units for paying medical expenses, the unit related to the company's advertising policies, and other parts that together constitute a complete set of the company, were examined. Due to the existence of a feedback relationship between these variables and the complexity of the subject, the systems dynamics approach has been used to model the system and examine different policies. In order to reach more accurate results, as a case study, Iran's social security insurance has been examined and using the data of 1380-1390 in the model, it was found that some parameters such as changes in investment and advertising policies can have a great effect on attracting People to have an insurance company.


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