Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Entrepreneurship Management, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Entrepreneurship Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch Center, Iran


The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model for evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities in life insurance and using a mixed method. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts from both the executive and academic departments of the country's life insurance industry. These interviews were analyzed in three stages of open, central and selective coding, and finally 36 criteria were identified in the central coding stage. These criteria are divided into 8 factors: "Human resources and existing and required executive capabilities", "Product", "Target market and targeted demographic groups", "Laws and regulations and executive infrastructure", "Strength and threat level of competitors", "Profitability level of opportunities" Identified", "obstacles to entering the life insurance market", "ambiguity and lack of transparency in the life insurance market" were placed. The aforementioned criteria were designed in the form of a questionnaire and distributed among the life insurance managers of the main branches of selected insurance companies in Tehran, and a total of 87 questionnaires were collected. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using Cronbach's alpha test, and the alpha statistic was evaluated as 0.93. In the analysis of quantitative data, the factor analysis method was used, some criteria were removed and the "entrepreneurial strategy" factor was added to the factors, and a model based on 9 factors was designed. Based on the results of the research, the profitability of the identified opportunities, product and human resources and existing and required executive capabilities are the most important factors in evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities in life insurance.


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