Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Information Technology Management, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Department, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Electronic Department, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch, Tehran, Iran


The use of information technology in the insurance industry has opened new horizons for the activists of this industry. The use of this technology has made industry activists expect more accuracy and speed in doing things. In the process of issuing life and capital insurance policies, one of the basic steps is to identify the risk. With the help of the information provided by the insured, the experiences of insurance experts, medical knowledge, and the records of the existing cases, the insurer tries to identify the risk behind the insurance contract with acceptable accuracy and determine a realistic premium based on that, in order to satisfy the insured, Manage the upcoming risk as well. In this article, an attempt has been made to calculate the parameters affecting the risk factor of insured smokers with the help of experts, trusted insurance doctors, and then fuzzy inference systems are used to calculate the risk factor. Finally, based on the experience of the elites in the existing cases, the performance of the system has been evaluated.


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