Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


In recent years, the evaluation of insurance companies has attracted the attention of many researchers. Evaluation of insurance companies plays an important role in improving their performance. One of the most widely used performance evaluation methods, especially in recent years, is data coverage analysis. In this article, the changes in the efficiency rate of 5 selected insurance companies according to their performance in the years 2009 to 2012 are investigated using data coverage analysis along with window analysis. Considering the position of two-step processes in recent studies and the progress of these types of models in recent years, two-step processes have been used to investigate and evaluate insurance companies. The two-stage model used in this study is one of the latest two-stage models that has solved the problems of the previous models. The outputs of this two-stage model have been used to obtain the sizes available in the window analysis. The efficiency score of the first stage is related to performance in the marketing of insurance services, and the efficiency score of the second stage shows profitability. The obtained results show that during the years 1389 to 1392, the reasons for the inefficiency of companies are related to the existence of weakness in the second stage, that is, insurance companies often perform poorly in the stage of profitability. To solve this problem, insurance companies should be able to take steps in the direction of reaching the optimal middle sizes that are considered for them. The research results show that in some units there is a big difference between the optimal average size obtained from the model and the initial average size.


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